Our mission is to bring gospel restoration to people’s deepest needs and our broken world.
A Gospel-Centered Church in Palm Bay, FL
We are a life-changing community of people who love Jesus.
Our Values
These six values express the kind of culture we believe God is calling us to have.

Living Authentically
In a world of guilt and shame, we share together in the grace of God as we repent of our sins and heal from our wounds.

Praying Dependently
In a world of self-reliance, we find power when we look to God rather than to ourselves.

Proclaiming Graciously
In a world of arrogance and hypocrisy, we declare the absolute truth of God’s Word and its message of gospel grace with boldness and kindness.

Connecting Intentionally
In a world of isolation and loneliness, we deliberately invite people to experience gospel community with us.

Caring Genuinely
In a world of apathy and selfishness, we care for the deepest needs of people.

Multiplying Concentrically
In a world of hopelessness, we share the good news of the gospel to see people come to know Jesus as Savior across the street, across the tracks, and across the ocean.
The pathway describes how we accomplish the mission of our church.
Worship with us weekly
All ministries and mission flow from worship, which is why it is at the center of the pathway.
Grow in a group
Small groups are where we do life together, grow in our relationship with God and others, and spur each other on toward Christ-like maturity.
Serve in the church
Every believer has been gifted by God, and can invest that gift to serve the body of Christ.
Reach outside the walls
All of us are called to represent Christ in word and deed where we live, work, and play, seeking opportunities to serve and minister to the lost.

What We Believe
We stand firmly on the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and are a congregation in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is without error and contains everything we need to know about having a right relationship with God and our fellow human beings. The Bible is the basis for all of our essential beliefs (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
God is one (Mark 12:29), yet mysteriously exists in three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), who are to be equally loved, honored, and surrendered to (Matthew 28:19).
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. He is the sole Mediator able to restore the broken relationship, and the resulting alienation, between God and people (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God, the third Person of the Trinity. He is alive and active. He indwells followers of Christ, working in unison with the Word of God to guide them in all truth. He is the power that enables Christians to live as new creations in Christ and empowers believers for service (John 16:7-14; Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 6:17).
People are created by God and in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). On this basis, all people must be treated with dignity, honor, love and respect (James 3:9-10). At the same time, in their quest for independence and the centrality of self, all people begin their lives alienated from God, and in this condition are without hope and under judgment, a condition that can only be cured through God’s loving, gracious, and saving intervention (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:1). As the image of God, we are most alive when our trust, affections and allegiances center on Him.
Restoration between God and people (also called “salvation”) happens when the Holy Spirit gives people a new heart, leading and enabling them to trust in Jesus alone for salvation (John 1:12-13). Because God loves His creation, He will also restore the entire universe to a condition of beauty, rest, joy, perfection, and freedom (Romans 8:18-30). God’s world, which began as a promising Garden (Genesis 1:27-31), will find its fulfillment in a perfected, life-giving City in which there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:1-8).
Good Works
Good works do not and cannot make us acceptable to God (Ephesians 2:8-9), but are the natural outcome of authentic faith in Jesus (James 2:17). We become more fully human—the very best and most healthy version of ourselves—to the degree that we follow God’s loving commands. His commands, properly understood, are neither limiting nor oppressive but life-giving. Obedience to God’s commands is an essential prerequisite for true human flourishing.
The Church
The Church is the family of God and consists of those who place their functional trust (faith) in Jesus. God wants all members of His worldwide Church, together with their children, to be active in a local church which meets regularly to worship God, serve each other, and be a life-giving presence in their local community and world (Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25).
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
We are guided by a dedicated team committed to serving our church and community with love and care.
Leadership Team

Since May 2008, Jerry has served as the Senior Pastor at Covenant. A lifelong, sixth-generation Floridian, he has been preaching the gospel and teaching God’s Word for over 40 years. In his free time, he enjoys fishing, golfing, reading, and cooking. He is also a perennially frustrated Jacksonville Jaguars fan. Jerry married his college sweetheart, Katherine. They have two sons: MJ, who lives with them and is known for giving the best hugs, and Jakob, who resides in Durham, NC, with his wife, Jill, where he works as a software engineer at Google. They are excited to welcome their first grandchild this year.

As Executive Pastor, Jonathan oversees staff, operations, finances, and facilities of the church. His pastoral responsibilities include overseeing adult small groups, discipleship, care, and outreach ministries. He supervises our two daughter churches and develops new young leaders, including mentoring our pastoral interns and running our in-house seminary program.
Jonathan enjoys discussing or reading about theology over a good cup of coffee, throwing the football outside with his boys, and cooking meats on his smoker.
Jonathan met his wife, Michelle, in a singles group Bible study that he was leading while in seminary. He and Michelle have four boys: Josiah, Trenton, Elias, and Rylan.

In addition to worship, Paxson serves as a ruling elder, adult small group leader, and coordinates our Living Free Recovery Ministry.
On his day off, you will likely find him running—often running anywhere from 13 to 24.5 miles. In addition to running, he loves photography, especially macro nature photography which allows him to capture the details of God's creation.
Paxson and his wife Allison have been married since 1999 and have two lovely daughters, Laura Camille and Mallory. Allison is the Florida recruiter for Samford University—which is where both their daughters attend college. The Jeancakes are a musically gifted family. There have been a handful of times that Paxson, Allison, and their two daughters have all been on the worship team together!

In their free time, Andrea enjoys a good cup of coffee and cherishes family moments, with weekly family nights centered around homemade sourdough pizza. A lover of plants—especially orchids—Andrea also has a passion for photography, particularly capturing the beauty of nature.
Andrea and her husband Mark met while in college. Their first summer together they spent bicycling from Los Angeles, California, to Seattle, Washington, along the coastal highway. Together, they have one adult son, McCartney, who serves as the Worship Director at New City Church.

Jacob came to Covenant in 2021, where he now leads our middle school and high school programs. Jacob also helps plan and lead the men's ministry events.
He loves pretty much any sport that involves chasing a ball or frisbee, and is a big Manchester City fan. He also enjoys going on adventures to new places and hearing about other people's passions.
Jacob is married to Dani and they have twin boys, Levi and Judah.

Lauren loves listening to audiobooks and podcasts, having movie nights with her family, and playing Candy Crush. Her favorite sport is hockey, and she’s a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan!
Lauren grew up in Canada with two Dutch immigrants for parents and four sisters. Because she grew up in Canada, she learned French all through school, and, she says, “Je suis parle un peu français.”
Dan and Lauren have been married for 20 years and they have two boys and two girls between the ages of 9 and 16.
Ministry and Administrative Staff

Hazel has been our part-time office manager since 2016. She loves the Lord and cannot imagine life without Him. She is part of a women’s small group, enjoys helping people, and being part of the staff team. If you’ve been around very long, you’ll know that Hazel is a good organizer and heads up many church events.
Hazel has four adult children (two boys and two girls) and the family continues to grow—she now has four grandchildren. Hazel has a passion for dogs (she has a black lab and a lab mix) and can be found teaching two classes a week at the local dog club.

An avid reader and crafter, Marianne enjoys card-making, scrapbooking, and cross-stitching.
Marianne and Keith have been happily married for more than 40 years and have two adult children, as well as two wonderful grandchildren.

Outside of work, Drena is devoted to her family—husband Donny and their three children: Sasha (26), Natalie (12), and Ryan (11). She enjoys cooking, photography, walking, and beach trips, but most of her time is spent driving her kids to their sports activities.
Drena has a degree in photography and art history. During high school and college, she was a member of the rowing team.

In addition to her role, she volunteers on the Welcome Team and participates in small groups at Covenant. Outside of church, she loves reading, cooking, spending time with family and friends, and exploring new places. Evening walks with her family are a favorite activity, and though she hasn’t played much recently, she loves volleyball when she can.
An interesting fact about Emily is that she’s learning to cook authentic Mexican food from her mother- and sister-in-laws and is also working on her Spanish. She has a passion for teaching, especially reading and science, and enjoys all things Star Wars.
Emily and Ricky have a daughter, Rebecca, and a playful chocolate lab. Much of her family lives in town, and her parents, grandparents, and brother all attend Covenant as well.

Outside of work, Nathan enjoys singing in a barbershop chorus and quartet, as well as watching football—cheering on his beloved Boomer Sooner team. Nathan married Becky in 2023, and has one son, Thomas.

Come to Covenant
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