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Expense Reports

If you are a member of church staff and have a church credit card, you are legally required to submit your receipts with an explanation justifying every purchase. Although this process can feel tedious at times, it is one small way we can exercise faithful stewardship of the resources God's people have entrusted to us to use for God's kingdom.

How to submit receipts or request a reimbursement check for ministry-related purchases:

  • Open the Expense Report Google Form and click the corresponding link next to your name.
  • After the purple Google Form opens up, we highly recommend you save the URL to make it easier to access later. If you are accessing it on a phone, you can use your phone's browser options to save an icon of that page on your home screen (how to: Android, iPhone).
  • Be sure to upload your receipt in the "Picture of receipt" field. (If you are using your phone, you can snap a picture of it using your phone camera. If you are on your computer, you can upload a PDF or image file of the receipt.)
  • After you have submitted the form, you're done. You can trash the receipt since the office now has a digital record of it.



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