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Retirement Benefit

Covenant Church allows any of its employees (full-time or part-time) to contribute a portion of their salary (pre-tax) to their own 401(3)b retirement plan with our group carrier, Geneva Benefits Group. Contributions are made from the employee's monthly paychecks and can be based on either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of their paycheck. The contribution amounts can be changed by the employee at any time using the Salary Reduction Agreement below.

For full-time employees (30+ hours/week), the church will match, dollar-for-dollar, the employee's retirement contribution up to a cap of 1% of their total gross income.

To start a new enrollment in the retirement plan, please complete both forms below (Enrollment Form and Salary Reduction Agreement).

To change an existing retirement contribution amount, please complete only the Salary Reduction Agreement form below. Changes that are submitted before the 15th of the month will be reflected on that month's paycheck. Otherwise, they will be reflected in the following month's paycheck.

Important: All forms must be signed by you and turned in to the Executive Pastor.



Other Information

Jonathan Culley, 6/29/2019