Design2018 Banner Image:   Next Steps Banner

You've attended a few times and now you are looking for the "next step".  These are not necessarily in any order, these are just some of the ways you can begin to get to know us and become more involved here at Covenant. 

Coffee or Lunch Together?

Our leadership team love to get to know those who are new to Covenant. One of our pastors or team leaders would love the opportunity to get to know you and share about what makes Covenant unique. To set up a time to meet with one of our leadership team, contact Andrea Diener at

Taste of Covenant | Guest Luncheon

Sign up to attend our next guest luncheon and get a taste of who we are at Covenant.  Pastor Jerry and some of our leaders will share at this luncheon following a Sunday morning service.  Our next Taste of Covenant luncheon will be a Sunday, in late October at 12:15pm. Childcare is available. Sign up required. Learn more and sign up at  

Small Groups

Joining one of our Covenant Groups is a great way to get to know others in our church.  Click here to see the various Adult Group opportunities or contact Andrea Diener at  

Exploring Covenant Class

If you'd like to learn more about the mission, vision and core beliefs of Covenant Church, make plans to attend one of our next class.  We offer these classes 3 times each year.  This is a no-pressure class to provide information to you.  For those who wish to pursue membership, the classes are a requirement.  Information on our membership process and baptism is available here.  Our next Exploring Covenant Class (2-part class) will be held Oct 12 (8:30-11am via zoom) and Oct 13 (5-8pm in person). If you are interested sign up by clicking the link below.



Baptism is one of the most important ways that we bear testimony of God's covenant grace in our lives and in the lives of our families.  For more information on baptism and membership, click here.


If you need additional information on any of these things or looking for ways to get connected, email Andrea Diener at


Andrea Diener (admin), 7/14/2018